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Patio Covers & Pergolas

Adjustable Louvered Patio Covers

“Sun-Safe” - Protecting you from the sun and weather

Adjustable louvered patio cover systems by Building Icons are ideal for any outdoor living area such as patios, decks, lanais, verandas, entry ways, courtyards, outdoor kitchens, swimming pools and spas. A variety of colors, materials and finishes are available to compliment any architectural style. Powder-coated aluminum is durable and low-maintenance. Units can be free-standing or attached to existing structures to enhance any area requiring convenient sun and weather control.

Before & After Patio Cover Transformation Video


Skin cancer will impact one in every five individuals at some point in their lifetime. Our adjustable patio covers keep you safe from harmful rays of the sun. The louvers can be adjusted as the sun changes throughout the day. Enjoy the outdoors under a protective cover for your outdoor space.

Building Icons Pergola & Spiral

Lower Pergola. Building Icons

Hestan Outdoor Entertainment Suite

608-317-5700 (By Appointment)