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Kitchen Icons provides Kitchen design, appliances, Fixtures, Cabinets and More

We are a servicing dealer for our brands

Indoor Kitchen Appliances

(By Appointment)

Outdoor Appliances

Counters & Surfaces

Blanco City by Silestone

Blanco City by Silestone

Kitchen Cabinets


Unique cabinetry hardware

Contact Kitchen Icons to learn about artistic hardware.

Hestan Cuinary Nanobond.jpg

Hestan Culinary

Hestan makes the best quality cookware available. More information here.

Our talented design team will provide inspiration and visualization. Contact us to learn more about our 3D Visual program

Sinks, Faucets and Fixtures - Kitchen & Bath

Blanco Sinks and Faucets

Blanco Sinks and Faucets



 Outdoor Kitchens, Fire Features, Tables & Patio Heaters

Compliment your outdoor kitchen with fire tables, features and heaters

Patio Covers and Pergolas by Kitchen Icons for your outdoor spaces

Learn about our quality building products - from decking to spiral staircases, pergolas and more.

Contact Kitchen Icons for more information. By Appointment: 608-317-5700