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Doors - Exterior

Custom doors and cabinetry with customized unique European design and high performance.

(By Appointment)

Exterior Doors Available from Kitchen Icons

Outswing Nordic Doors

European Quality

Wood Interiors - Solid wood, pine or oak. Optional solid woods include oak, maple, cherry, Douglas fir and birch.

Choose from five standard powder coat colors, custom powder coat colors, Kynar or anodized colors.

Made in Ashland, Wisconsin

Expert design and installation services supplying architects, builders and home-owners

Outswing Nordic Doors

H Window was featured on Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Contact us at 608-317-5700 for more information on H Windows and doors.

Custom Entry systems

Hand built. Choose your design. Choose your wood.

By Appointment: 608-317-5700

La Crescent, Minnesota