Building Icons & Kitchen Icons
BY APPOINTMENT in La Crescent, Minnesota
BuildingIcons: Quality products and services for home and commercial settings. Consult with our design and building experts to obtain the best products within your budget.
Adjustable Patio Covers & Pergolas
Expert Building Consulting
Unique Building Products - H Windows and Doors
Architectural Services
KitchenIcons: Chef-Inspired Interior & Exterior Kitchens
Kitchen Renovation
Unique Appliances - Sales & Service
By Appointment In La Crescent, Minnesota: 608-317-5700
Building Icons
Building Products. Kitchens. Consulting. Service
We are a supplier of quality building materials, products and services.
Our team of builders, architects, designers and culinary experts collaborate to bring you the best products.
Building Icons provides education to enhance your product choices. The goal: To build with quality and longevity.
We are a wholesale supplier that also sells direct to consumers.
Choose Your Focus:

“Whatever it is, we can help you navigate the path and arrive at the final vision with high quality products and expert design services”
Complete this form to schedule an appointment or call 608-317-5700
Visitors Welcome By Appointment: 608-317-5700
1406 Willow St.
La Crescent, MN 55947
La Crosse, WI, Chicago. IL, Sheboygan, WI, Green Bay, WI, Minneapolis, MN, Des Moines, IA
Supplier of chef-inspired kitchens and building products nationwide
email: Jeremy@KitchenIcons.com